Tuesday, September 22, 2020

TOPIC: Lite Pen

A Lite pen is a computer input device in the from of a Lite -sensitive wond used in conjunction with a computer 's CRT TV set or monitor . It allows the user to point to displayed objects ,or drow on the screen , in a similar way to touch screen but with greater positional accuracy. Lite pen work line you would expect. you simply point the pen on the screen and press a button to make your selections. No special monitor are neededey they work with any PC compatible and it's associated monitor. follow the simple hardwork and software installation procedures incudede. the Lite pen work just like your mouse. Lite pen 'sprovide a very precise pointing capability directly on the screen. seems pixels are constantly being refreshed. Wher user presses a button, pen senses a Light, and the pixel being illuminated at that instant dentifies the screen location. karan Solanki


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karan solanki U